Nuclear energy is a safe and reliable source of electricity, providing electricity twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, 365 day a year! Nuclear energy is also a clean source of electricity, emitting ZERO carbon emissions, making it a key component of achieving Net Zero emission goals. American Nuclear Insurers (“ANI”) is proud to support the nuclear energy industry, and we have done so since the dawn of the commercial nuclear era.
Established in 1956, ANI is a voluntary joint underwriting association headquartered in Glastonbury, Connecticut. Our membership consists of some of the leading insurers and reinsurers from the United States. Additionally, ANI strategically partners with various nuclear insurance pools and reinsurers from around the globe. This results in ANI’s ability to amass quality capacity allowing us to write the insurance products that serve the global commercial nuclear industry.
Back in 1956, during the infancy of the development of nuclear power, Congress enacted the Price-Anderson Act (“PAA”), a federal law containing a requirement that large commercial reactors licensed by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission must maintain financial protection for the benefit of the public in the event of a nuclear accident. The insurance industry, seeking to support the developing nuclear power industry, responded by forming an Association that provided a means for insurers to pool their resources to underwrite the nuclear risk. Thus, ANI was founded, though under a different name at that time.
ANI’s domestic insurance products provide a means for operators of commercial nuclear reactors to satisfy the financial protection requirements contained in the PAA. In addition to providing insurance coverage to the large operating nuclear reactors in the United States, we also provide insurance to other organizations within the nuclear fuel cycle , as well as a Suppliers and Transporters insurance product.
ANI specializes in nuclear insurance, and by doing so we have developed an expertise that is recognized around the world. Our staff of engineers, underwriters, lawyers, and financial professionals are frequently called upon to present on nuclear insurance and how our products fit within the commercial nuclear industry. As the nuclear industry continues to grow and evolve, so shall ANI, as we recognize the unparalleled safety record of the industry and the role that nuclear technology will play in achieving net-zero emission goals.
ANI is proud to insure the past, present and future of carbon-free nuclear power.
Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance Association (NELIA) created.
Nuclear Energy Property Insurance Association (NEPIA) created.
Price-Anderson Act passed by Congress.
NELIA and NEPIA issue first policies with maximum policy limits of $60 million
Dresden-1 Nuclear Power Station in Illinois becomes first U.S. commercial nuclear power plant.
Maximum Policy Limit increased to $74 million.
Maximum Policy Limit increased to $82 million.
Maximum Policy Limit increased to $95 million.
The Atomic Energy Commission becomes the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
NELIA and NEPIA merged into NEL-PIA.
Maximum Policy Limit increased to $110 million.
Price-Anderson Act extended until 1987 and Secondary Financial Protection program created.
Maximum Policy Limit increased to $125 million.
Maximum Policy Limit increased to $140 million.
Three Mile Island (TMI) accident occurs.
ANI responds to TMI by providing immediate financial assistance.
Maximum Policy Limit increased to $160 million.
Cumulative limits from ANI and SFP program for large, operating reactors surpass NRC indemnity obligations contained in the Price-Anderson Act.
Price-Anderson Act extended for 15 years.
Master Worker Policy first introduced.
Maximum Policy Limit increased to $200 million.
ANI enters into reinsurance arrangement with NEIL.
All TMI related claims are dismissed.
Maximum Policy Limit increased to $300 million.
Price-Anderson Act extended for 20 years.
Maximum Policy Limit increased to $375 million.
Maximum Policy Limit increased to $450 million.
95 Glastonbury Boulevard
Suite 300
Glastonbury, CT 06033-4453, US
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